Squirrels' Breakfast...

Which will continue on through lunch and dinner. They are nothing if not persistent!

Unlike many other parts of the country, we are being blessed with almost perfect weather, warm enough to sit outside on the deck, but not so warm that we can't do anything else. I took this picture through the living room window of our resident squirrels who are causing us to think about moving the table they are using as a launch pad to the top of the 'squirrel baffle'. Doesn't seem to be baffling them! Also thinking about calling Moises the window washer...my excuse for this rather blurry picture....

I had plenty of time to read the Sunday paper this morning as Spike and I sat on the porch. Two articles made me wish I hadn't. 

1. an anti-gay 'Christian' church in town ( which was anti-vax during the height of Covid) has decided to make an outraged moral stand at a drag story hour at the library, shouting insults at three year olds and their mothers as they entered the building. The state of California has awarded them a $400,000 grant so they can increase 'protection' of their premises against hate crimes. These people seem to want to have it both ways...first they shout insults at people who oppose them, then they claim to need protection from the very people they have just taunted. Who knows what logic the state of California was following.
2. A  meteorologist for a news station in Des Moines Iowa quit after connecting the dots between increased heat, tornadoes and other extreme weather events and climate change on air, and being asked by his bosses to 'tone it down' when he received threats for his reporting. He said he was reporting on the science behind what was happening with the weather as it was part of his job. Apparently at a meeting of meteorologists he learned that he was not alone...

What makes people feel entitled to behave this way toward people who say things they don't want to hear? What is happening to our country?

Spike continues to improve. He is beginning to open his eyes revealing his very realistic prosthetic big brown eyes. Actually not all that big as he still has stitches in the corners to protect an incision....

Jim and Dana and Peter have arrived to cook dinner here as we didn't want to take him to their house and aren't ready to leave him alone....bless them.

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