Carolina's journal

By Carolina


It wasn't quite Fast and Furious, but the bees were going pretty fast from flower to flower this afternoon.  Enjoyable to just stand there and watch them going on about their business.   A lovely day here in the mid to high 70's and 107 at our daughter's house outside of Tucson.   Our youngest daughter is having a pool put in and they should be done in another week I believe.   She and her family will be here visiting for a few days, so we are excited to see our granddaughters!!  Molly , Brooke and Aria will all be together - which hasn't happened since my Dad died in 2019.   We plan on having Aria spend at least a few nights here with the girls.  
   Not sure how many journals I will be getting to tonight as Joe wants to have a campfire.   Thanks for stopping by and I so love the comments and the hearts and stars!!  

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