Pollen, go away!

Poor Charlotte, welll and truly attacked by the pollen monster. Her eyes are puffy, her nose has streamed and she keeps on sneezing. I am 99% certain it's not a cold but the dreaded hay fever returned.
We had the same problem this time last year, I took her to he doctors and they said it was, but they would not diagnose it as this in babies under one year old. Today, I took her to the pharmacist in Boots, who agreed that it would appear to be hay fever over a cold and provided us with a bottle of piriton. He suggested we tried her on half the dosage suggested at first and see how that fairs for a few days.
She has shown a marked improvement this afternoon, but around tea time her eyes started to stream again. We shall see.

I've had a lovely half term hollibobs.
Managed to book a holiday for us in the summer which will be lush.
Seen lots of my lovely friends and not spent tooooooo much money.

Back to it tomorrow, but it's a report writing day so no children in and we don't even have to go in if we don't want to. I'm going in after I have dropped Charlotte off, only till lunchtime ish.

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