Early morning shopping

I’ve seen more people in Tesco in Bourne at seven o’clock than here in Peterborough at twenty to eight.  Twenty years ago this was called the ‘Serpentine’ but now it seems to have gained the name the name ‘Tesco Hampton Community Space’.  I reckon some of the images that I have found on the web must have been concept images of a plan never fulfilled.
It was a pretty miserable experience with the staff more interested in chatting to each other rather than serving the customers.  I think there were a couple of other shoppers.
Mrs W had to be at the Fitzwilliam Hospital for half seven for her cataract operation so I thought I would explore the old haunt and do some shopping – doh . . .
Anyway, Mrs W’s op went of fine, so now it’s just the healing process.  She’ll just have to see how she gets on now (ouch, sorry).
Update on the last two blips – the rooks and jackdaws are still frustrated.  The only disappointing thing is for the past week or so we have been very short of sparrows and tits etc, hopefully we will have another batch.

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