
By bygjohn

Dreamy dreams caught

Even though it's been a lovely day outside, I've been having a rest day - in fact a rest weekend - as the combination of a horrid cold (now in week three) and the ME/CFS isn't a good one. I've been low energy all week, so I need to recharge my batteries enough for work tomorrow.

So: what to blip?

This is a dream catcher I've had hanging over my bed for years. Not sure if its caught many bad dreams, but it's one of those things you barely see because it's there all the time. It's a bit gothy, being green and black, with black feathers.

I treated myself to PhotoForge2 this afternoon, so this is it's first outing, though I did start out by removing a couple of things in the background using TouchRetouch. Then into PhotoForge2 and cropping and running through its Dreamy filter, which seems appropriate!

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