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Today I have done some pottering around at home. A few things have been caught up with: laundry washed and put to dry indoors since Google said it would definitely rain, post sent, money for a bill put in the bank, phone calls made for my Dad etc., etc. Nothing of any interest just a bunch of stuff that needed to be done that would only be noticed if it was not done.

After lunch I went to Boots to get my Dad's prescription which his GP surgery assures me was sent there on Friday, only to find they still do not have it - or they may, but cannot check as their system is down... Not very helpful!

On the walk down to the care home I was joined by Abdul - a former colleague at my last job - he left in pretty much the same manner as I did - he was sacked after the boss heard that he had attended an interview for a job elsewhere... He has a much better job now, working from home using his computer skills! 

My Dad is still struggling quite a bit. The nurse in charge has arranged for him to be seen by the GP the home uses as the hand that had the infection is very swollen and painful again - landing on it when he fell would not help. He's also low on energy and - unlike him - not wanting to eat, which won't help his tiredness. Once again he says he wants to give up the car so I'm going to get the information and get on with it before he changes his mind again...

This shot was taken on my walk home, of the buildings of the railway station and the Cathedral. You can see the castle with its flag flying at the top left too. It is good to see the sights and views from a part of town I rarely venture into.

Bri and I have done the shopping at Tesco tonight. Glad that is out of the way for another week! I have some leftover Chinese takeaway from last night to have for my tea. Boy am I ready for it!!

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