Watch Out!

Continuing with my dragonfly is a small one. He kept returning to this rose bush stem. I worried he would grab onto one of the thorns. Thanks for all the hearts on my other two dragons...I am glad you liked them.

Ellie didn't come over last night because she had a play date with a child of her Grandma's friend; I think they were visiting a farm. Perhaps picking blueberries?? I will hear all about it tonight!!

I am cleaning out all my kitchen drawers today. I have lots of top drawers but they seem so crowded with Stuff...I put everything on the counter and washed all the sorting containers and vacuumed out the drawers. My husband is putting the things back in that he wants to keep and I will do the same when he finishes. The rest will go in a box in storage for a month or two....whatever we don't miss we will give away.

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