Three little dickie birds sitting on a branch

Another lovely morning, just the right temperature. I sat outside with my cuppa and spotted a hare running across the field, lovely to see.
I had the Merlin app on and it hears so many more birds than I can actually see including yellow hammer, spotted flycatcher and bullfinch. The tree creepers were very loud and I managed to spot them in the tree,so well camouflaged though especially against the bark.
These three baby chiffchaffs were huddled together quite away in the distance so I’ve cropped the shot. I did not have time to go in to get the bigger lens.
Sowed some lettuce and radish and a few peas and beans so we’ll see what happens. Also a few wildflower seeds so hope they germinate.
It clouded over later in the day and we had some heavy showers.
Note to self - starting reducing steroids to 3 a day and up to two Metformin.

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