
Well, close to sunset anyway.

Left home early to drive to Ashburton to deliver a training course to people interested in learning more about how the Internet applies to their (tourism) businesses. Three hours, then straight into the follow-up workshops.

It's interesting work. Because I eat, breathe, sleep everything Internet, you often forget that people who run "real" businesses have very little understanding. One person today asked me what "SEO" was. You're probably wondering also I guess, but if you have a website, you need to know what SEO is, as well as numerous other terms. Blogging, Twitter, etc etc.

So it's brilliant actually helping these people understand what they can do and why. The post seminar workshops are also good. I visited a number of local business to look at what they are doing. One woman today had gone back to her motel and done most (!) of what I had said, and was literally fizzing about what she had learning. Very fulfilling. And it will help her business immensely. It also pays OK - government subsidised ...

So, not a lot of time to take pics, grabbed this at Rakaia before another workshop follow-up.

Off to Auckland tomorrow.

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