Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Poor bedside manner!

I woke up at 6am to find I’d been emailed the results of my health-check thingy for my new job. Is it just me or does it look like they’re saying I’m not fit enough for the role? Several shocked minutes later, I realised it was fine… but surely a green tick would have been a little better? Many years ago when I finished cancer treatment, the doctor told me that, statistically, I had a good chance of living another five years - WHAAAAAAT?!?!? I nearly passed out but then realised he meant that they stopped monitoring ‘survivors’ after five years - a somewhat different prognosis! Honestly, do medical people get special training in scaring the wotsit out of you???

Anyway, thirteen years on, I’m still here and well enough to survive a day in the other school with the dreadful behaviour. It was actually pretty good, no issues at all. I do like the staff, I got a free lunch and I discovered that not only is there sugar in the staff kitchen but also a full biscuit tin.

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