There’s No Way Out Of Here

A rude awakening this morning when we had a workman at the door advising that we had about five minutes to move the car(s) off the drive if we wanted to go anywhere in the next few hours.
I had toyed with the idea of going to the gym but, as I’d only just got out of bed at that point, and after getting an assurance that we would be able to leave at some time, I told them just to crack on and we’d find things to do around the house.
Which proved to be quite productive in terms of tidying things up, putting things away and generally bringing a bit of order back into the home - we do have a terrible tendency to just dump things wherever there is a space and then not do anything with them for days.
As it happened, the soil wagon (see yesterday’s blip) arrived late morning and cleared everything from the top of the drive. The guys then put a big metal sheet over the trench so we could go out whenever we wanted. But I’d lost the urge to go to the gym by that point so just stayed in and did some more tidying up.
Mrs C ventured out to WI this evening and seemed to get off the drive without too much difficulty, albeit with a few more turns of the wheel than normal. Not sure what tomorrow will bring. I think they’re almost at the end of the road with the trench now, so I’m hoping it’s time to start laying the new gas main and then filling everything back in.

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