Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A coworker and I were admiring the table in our shop, this morning. Now the produce are beginning to be harvested and sold. I'm so buying a garlic for the weekend! 
My morning begun with a walk to the bus. Sunny weather, so I thought I'd take a walk. It was so nice! I was all smiles when I got on the bus. Thursday and Friday will be rain, so I'll take the bus. But it was nice to walk again. I need to take it slow, though, so one walk this week is enough. :)
I spent my whole day with the cucumber plants, cutting off withered leaves, and those in the process of withering. I did change position once, when a wasp were too close for comfort (yes, a meter away minding its own business... but, that's too close for me! :D ) so, I changed side... Told my boss about it, later, when she came out asking how it was going. She had a young guy with her, making a visit for possibly beginning with us. I told him that this is the best place to be. :) I hope he'll join us. He looked nice, but shy, so he'll grow with us.
The cucumbers had sprinkles on them, for repelling a nasty bug that can attack cucumbers and other plants. Difficult to get rid of and makes little spider nets, often the only way is to throw everything away. I got sprinkles on me too, so I'm safe for that pest also... No, it doesn't like humans that way, so we're safe. :) On Thursday my boss will show me how to spot the pest before it spinns its nets. Gosh, I'm so tired... off to bed now.

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