
By kchambers

Dancing at derby

Well a very early start!!! Up and out with the RDS crew for a day of dancing at derby.
The first time juniors were amazing :) such a proud miss kristi.
Think I'm turning into my mum - with the pack up lunch I made for me and miss rebecca ( my bestie )
2 chicken salads m- which where lovely
Crisps, snickers, mars bars, yogurts, 3 sandwhich's , cereal bars and drinks. And not forgetting sugar lol can't be doing with the pack faff of sugar.

Joined in the modern art which was fun - a little to street for my liking but a good laugh with the girls.

Home to a lovely bath and I'm thankful to god for the beautiful home and life I am blessed with.
My amazing family and wonderful friends that I have in my life.

Dancing is not a hobby it's life ) xxxx

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