The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Bad birding ..

I really am a hopeless bird spotter ..

I asked mum if she fancied a trip to the park - we went a few weeks ago and she really enjoyed it, but most of the time she prefers to sit on the sofa - as she did today.

So I decided today was a good day for red kites as the sun was shining and there was a bit of a breeze .. I climbed up the hill and waited for a couple of hours .. but nothing .. going back to the van I got a snap of a small heath butterfly and some silhouettes of a buzzard! But that was all.

After lunch I attempted some garden photography, but that was no more successful.

Again, as mum was getting ready for bed the foxes turned up .. and I particularly like how this ^^^ photo turned out - there's something quite 'tinted' looking about it :)

By the way - a Facebook wildlife group I'm in has a monthly competition, which I usually forget to enter!

This month I just can't decide - I need to pick two photos from May .. if anyone has the inclination to look and make a suggestion, I'd be very grateful - thank you :)

I'm thinking maybe grebes and roe deer .. but then there's the fox or the gannets .. so indecisive!

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