
By skaterg1rl

The Gibson St carnival is one of my favourite west end summer events. The usually busy road is closed and there's people drinking in the sun, bands, kids playing in sand pits, hippy types dancing to African music and a junk furniture stall which my kids physically restrained me from looking at.

Earlier I had a lovely sun-and-birdsong-filled walk while the big one rode a horse - a pay-off for those bitterly cold winter mornings spent stomping about to keep warm. Back for scones and a fleeting visit from big A before the wee 'un went back to his feral pals and we roasted gently in the back garden.

Ended up at a demo for an amazing kitchen gadget at S's house but found myself playing the class fool so it was a good job we were due to go with Judi and the wee tyke to the festival and we left before i got told off...

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