The smoothie I made in my new Ninja Smoothie Maker for my lunch was definitely “organic” - it was 60 ml lactose free milk, a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder, a tablespoon of peanut butter (and I must admit I licked the spoon afterwards), one banana and a couple of ice cubes.  However, I forgot to take a shot before I finished drinking it so this is a shot of the empty smoothie glass.

I do wish recipes online were in UK measurements though - I don’t do “cups” unless I’m buying a bra!!!

I was very tired last night after an emotional day and was in bed before 8.30 - feeling quite “spaced out” but wonder if the Gabapentin made me feel like that now I’m up to the full dose of 1800 mg per day - a question for my GP when I see her next Monday.  One good thing is that having rung the Spinal Consultant's secretary this morning, she says my MRI scans are there, so that's a relief. 

Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments, stars and hearts over the last few days and apologies again for not commenting - I hope to get back to it soon.  M xx 

I’m trying to do this, but it is difficult at times - not that I'm asking for sympathy but just stating a fact!

“Joy does not simply happen to us. 
     We have to choose joy 
          and keep choosing it 
               every day.”
Henri J.M. Nouwen

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