Tow Hill Tales: The Days of the Shadow Walker

We're entering the part of summer that features high heat and humidity. I'm a daily walker, and that continues regardless of the weather and temperature. But in high summertime, I walk early, and I keep to the shadows, wherever possible.

There are several routes I most often take for my morning walks. Tow Hill features shade all the way up and down it until about mid-morning. It's a slight incline on the way up; a fun scoot down that hill on my bike, if I take it, on the way down.

But I was walking on this day, and I guess I am pretty quiet. I often see deer, and this day was no exception. I saw one adult deer outside the fence on top, and a second one inside the fence, lying down resting.

And as I came back down Tow Hill, I spotted a young deer hanging out by the milkweed near Uni Road. I don't know if deer eat milkweed, but that's where he was. And yes, it was a he; I only spotted the tiny horns on his head after uploading the photos. You may have a look yourself in the extras.

I kept coming down the hill, and I thought I caught a glimpse of motion behind me. I turned around to see what I presume is the young buck's sister, just quietly standing in the middle of the road looking at me. There was just something about it that speaks to me. So that's my main shot for the day.

I have two pictures, so let's have two songs. For the Shadow Walker, which is myself this time of year (and the young doe is as well), let's have Lou Gramm, with Lost in the Shadows, from the Lost Boys soundtrack. And for the young buck in the extras, here's David Bowie, with All the Young Dudes.

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