Humpty Dumpty

We are still in a state of post holiday lethargy and after the unforecast rain this morning we really had to drag ourselves out this afternoon. A quick trip to Burford with the promise of tea/hot chocolate and cake was all we could manage. I spotted Humpty Dumpty on Westfarthing Cottage for my blip. It's a holiday rental property - 'a classic example of a quintessential Cotswolds' cottage'.

If it was Friday I would have gone with the extra and called it Something Villa. The something was on the other gate post but I didn't take a photo of that.

I only took these two photos. 

The cake was delicious by the way.

In other news I did the front lawn when we got back (I did the back yesterday in between showers) and I am also up to date with my photo editing.

One year ago:
Saint Chad
Sad to report but we have fallen out with my brother-in-law and his wife. We haven't seen them since this visit and they are refusing to have any contact with us, which has been quite upsetting for mrsfb. This is despite us finding a rental property for them (which we have never seen) and acting as guarantors. Families eh?

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