Enjoying the sun

It turned out nice again, as they say, after some rain early on. Despite the 7 tourist buses at the pier this morning bussing in people from the cruise ship docked in Kirkwall, Julia’s Shed was empty when I ordered my coffee; the cruise ship tourists had already had their coffee for free on board ship. The cafés don’t appear to benefit from the tourist glut although I am told the charity shops do a roaring trade with the ships’ crews.
I had a lovely afternoon with one of the Selkies whose daughter lives in Edinburgh and who visits the Capital regularly. I will be able to see her when she down next. It turns out that our husbands both died within weeks of each other in 2018 which created an immediate bond. 

I’m not sure what the family were fishing for on their house slip but if they were hoping for jellyfish, none were visible where we were swimming.

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