

of a boo

filled with compassion

for her mama

okay - so here’s the thing - mollie-boo loves her sunbeams - but she loves me more - especially when i - don’t feel well - she will forsake - said sunbeam to - snuggle with her - mama in hopes - it will make - me feel better - and isn’t that - what most pets do - they become the best - of human companions - we could ever - hope for or desire - at least that’s - how it is for me

it’s almost as though - the boo can - read my mind - and although it may - sound odd and you - might believe me odd - i talk to her - like she’s human - not baby talk - regular conversation talk - and i think she - understands me - go ahead and call - me crazy if you want - but that’s our - relationship and how she - can tell if i - am not doing well - she’s been with - me now nearly 9 years - since i lost - my precious princess gracie diva - and i was rescued again - by miss mollie - and i tell you - it’s been a - quick 9 years - i still miss my gracie - but oh how the boo - makes my life rich - and every day…


happy day…..

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