Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Sniff !!

Sadie sniffing !
Waiting until 7.30pm to get the dogs out for a walk … what a miserable day weather wise .
Not so miserable was a trip to the shops to look for plants and picture frames , I love looking at plants. Years ago I used to be very very adept at killing houseplants but I persevered and now I’m pleased to say I have a pretty good success rate , probably owing to the World Wide Web and being able to research something in a timely fashion .
As a complete aside to this conversation I am also adept at suddenly researching something totally unconnected to ANYTHING I’ve been doing that day , example being a 2 hour reading session on Himmler and also the night of the long knives . I can’t even remember what started the seed of interest.

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