
By SweetArt

The Happy Couple

And here they are ... My cousin Sarah and her husband Thomas! What a lovely wedding they had and I was SO honoured to be part of it.

The day started at the hairdressers, then a mad rush to the Registrar in Maulbronn in pouring rain :( and then followed by lunch where I had a very typical German meal of maultaschen, which was quite nice actually. Glad I was recommended to have that, great experience and very traditional for this part of Germany. Actually it originated in this very town as the monks in the monastery tried to stuff/hide meat in the noodles on the non-meat days!!!

Then for a quick trip up to the hotel get Sarah ready for the church ceremony. I was the first person to see her dressed in her wedding dress, yes ME! It was so exciting and I tried really hard to hold back the tears as she is soooo special to me, like the little sister I never had, and it was a bit overwhelming to be dressing her for this most important of days.

Then to the church. While we waited in the car for the guests to arrive, she likes being on time, the church bells started to ring and again it was hard to hold back the tears. I had the pleasure of reading Psalm 91 in this very lovely, ancient, freeeeeezing church! Sarah and Thomas read it in German.

Then onto the reception which was AMAZING and so much fun. We danced till 3am. A lot of cousins in relatives have flown in from all around the world and it was just fantastic to be able to boogie on down with them. So wished GadgetKid could have been there.

It's been a lovely wedding and I wish Sarah and Thomas all of God's richest blessings as they start their married life together.

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