Gwneud apwyntiad gyda Wilhelm Röntgen
Gwneud apwyntiad gyda Wilhelm Röntgen*
Gwneud apwyntiad gyda Wilhelm Röntgen* ~ Making an appointment with Wilhelm Röntgen*
* Wilhem Conrad Röntgen (1845-1923)
“The photograph is literally an emanation of the referent. From a real body, which was there, proceed radiations which ultimately touch me, who am here; the duration of the transmission is insignificant; the photograph of the missing being, as Sontag says, will touch me like the delayed rays of a star.”
― Roland Barthes
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Es i i'r pentref y bore 'ma i weld y meddyg am fy mhen-glin sy wedi bod yn fy mhoeni am fisoedd. Efallai roedd hi'r holl redeg sy wedi achosi'r broblem. Os felly, does dim gofidiau gyda fi. Gwnes i fwynhau bob munud. Beth bynnag, rydw i nawr yn cael apwyntiad gyda radioleg yn yr ysbyty. Gawn ni weld beth sy'n digwydd.
Roedd y diwrnod yn wlyb iawn gyda llawer o law drwm. Tynnais i rai rhai o ffotograffau yn y fynwent wlyb fel rhan o fy antur ond roeddwn i'n hapus i fynd adre i rywle sych. Roeddwn i'n hapus hefyd i ffeindio roedd fy 'darn dros dro' ar do Daniel yn gwneud gwaith da. Does dim diferion yn ei ystafell o gwbl.
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I went to the village this morning to see the doctor about my knee which has been bothering me for months. Maybe it was all the running that caused the problem. If so, I have no worries. I enjoyed every minute. Anyway, I now have an appointment with radiology at the hospital. Let's see what happens.
The day was very wet with lots of heavy rain. I took some photographs in the wet cemetery as part of my adventure but I was happy to go home somewhere dry. I was also happy to find that my 'temporary patch' on Daniel's roof was doing a good job. There are no drips in his room at all.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Eglwys a mynwent wlyb
Description (English): A wet church and cemetery
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