
By bivbov

Kingsley Hill

I was awake half the night, so slept in late. Instead of rushing out for a run, I lounged around for a bit and had something to eat. When Noo and GravyC went out to football, I headed out for a run.

I decided to run at Warbleton because I love the quiet lanes and the views. I didn’t account for the wind!! This is only a mile from home, but much higher.. I don’t think you can see the sea from here, but you can from a mile up the road in Punnetts Town.

This view looks over to Kingsley Hill - Brian Epstein’s country house, where The Beatles were known to have visited. In the woods between my house and here, there is rumoured to be a tree where they carved their names. GravyC and I have found a suspect tree, but never been able to ID the relevant signatures.

Today is the last day of my 56th year!

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