The Eyes Have It

I strongly believe that the emperor that emerged from our garden pond is the same one that keeps returning to lay her eggs here. There is no justification for thinking this at all but I do, or maybe there is but I don't know it. Unperturbed by my sitting with her ovipositing and a long lens it was only when Poppy pottered past to sit with me that she called it but came back.

She is getting on a bit as her wings now have a brown tinge to them and her colour has faded somewhat but seeing the amount of eggs being laid I am really hopeful that we shall see the results of her labours either next year or the following one. Apparently if there is an abundance of food they might well clamber out onto our flag irises next summer. AND I will get them doing their metamorphosis  - watch this space. 

I don't believe I have started that sentence with 'and'  which was a big no no when I was at school but I've been reading a few books lately and grammar appears to have gone out of the window. So it has here ....

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