


my mama

still looking quite - marvelous at 89 years young - when i did the - math, i admit i - couldn’t quite believe - so many years - had passed and she - was now so - very close to 90 - it gave me pause

to realize that over - these last few - years time hasn’t - been especially kind - to my mama - oh she’s got all her - mental faculties for - which all us - kiddos are grateful for - however her physical body - is betraying her - very badly every - time we turn around - something else is malfunctioning - yet she keeps on keeping on - with a good attitude - strong and courageous - setting a wonderful example - for all of us on - how we should - not only live life - but approach it - every single day - with a positive attitude - and a smile on our face - be grateful for what we have - and move on - have a warrior frame of mind

she has always set - the tone for all of - us over the years - and no matter - what she or any - of us have faced - it’s always been - the way we tackle things - so with that - i offer this prayer

may abba richly - bless this coming year - and give you grace - peace and joy and - grant each day as…


happy day…..

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