
Up for Bailey’s breakfast but back to bed for a while because the weather and particularly the wind, was not encouraging on the running front. That and a bout of lazyitis.

Up eventually and a walk for Bailey before I settled to a couple of work jobs and waited in for a delivery. Not too long to wait for that so I managed to get the grass cut in the dry and for the first time in about three weeks. I also managed to get bedding washed, dried and ironed before several lots of torrential rain. And I tackled the ironing pile for the first time in three-plus weeks. It was a bit of a mammoth session but Guy Garvey on the radio provided a suitable backdrop.

My latest book was actually finished sat out in the garden in between showers and as an ironing interlude. Strong characters and some effective time shifts but I don’t think it’ll be in my top five this year.

The final job of the weekend was to set up my new phone. A bit of an end of term gift to myself, although it’s a bit premature with a week to go. Straightforward set up and I’m looking forward to testing the camera a little more extensively than a book cover.

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