
By Martigan

Pros and Cons?

Some time ago, "elsewhere" I think I may have mentioned me occasionally giving myself a treat.  It/they usually came in two containers like the middle one.
    Being an inveterate hoarder I hung on to them, only recently "Freegling" them so successfully I could have given away a dozen, had I had them.  I gave myself another treat, last shopping trip.
    Here beginneth Pro Vs. Con.
"PRO" - While the original containers had no, obvious, re-use the newer ones are not only Plastic but bear the recycling Logo and recycling "Class" number.
"CON" - Initially, my first con was lower size. I popped a new one inside my last remaining oldie - it slopped about with ≈ 5-7mm movement. - SO - I filled a new one to the Brim and, carefully, with little-NO spill - amazed/Gobsmacked to find the old/original one was full to the Brim.  the other con?  The mere triviality that more people wanted the old style, for some "Crafty" reason than I had containers for.

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