Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


What a funny day. 

Did Pilates in the morning, really having to talk myself into it. Glad I did. Then pottered and had a shower. 
Needed to go up to the bank in the afternoon; couldn't be bothered walking into town so bussed it, but when the bus turned up he couldn't open the doors to let me in, he was pushing all the buttons, eventually had to hit the emergency button. Every other stop it worked fine. 

In and out of bank, well, had to wait to get out as we were all locked in while the ATM's were filled! 

Bus back home and felt so tired, nearly fell asleep on the sofa but tried not to; started a new jigsaw. 

Got all agitated and could feel my breathing change and couldn't stop pacing, decided to go out a walk. Walked for over an hour. 

On way back from the bank this was happening at the Secondary School next to me ( and where I went). They are knocking down parts of it and these are the portacabins going in (never seen multistorey ones before) as extra classrooms as the new bit gets built. I did wonder what the huge crane was earlier from my window, now I know. 

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