'bye 'bye Istanbul, Hello Akbuk

Left Robert College campus, my home for the last 17 days, at 9am and finally arrived home (thank you to Graham for picking me up at Bodrum airport so very much appreciated) around 3pm. 

Hello welcome back cuddles with Harry who was very noisy about my absence, mewing non stop.  Then around 6pm, Susan brought Rufus home - he's been staying with her and her husband (and five dogs!) at their villa in Akbuk whilst I was away.   It was a bit odd because although he was clearly happy to see me, he was just as clearly sad to see her go. I hope he isn't too confused - he had a fab holiday at her place and after all, he's still only in his third month since leaving the shelter to live with me. 

If I thought Istanbul was hot - well, the car registered 42ºC outside as we drove home from Bodrum airport.  Too hot to cook and anyway, not much food in the cupboard so the woofer and I were very glad to go with Graham and Kat to Caspers restaurant in Didim for a leisurely vittles and chatter filled evening. 

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