Big Bee, Tiny Depth of Field! ;-)

We managed a very enjoyable 22km ride this morning, out to Berkeley and around, which would have been even more enjoyable had Janet not gone for extra-exciting at the 20km mark. It's not just the potholes you have to be aware of; the grit and debris that comes out of them is extra slippery too!

Happily, nothing that a couple of extra large road rash plasters couldn't fix.

The rain came back in the afternoon, but I managed to grab one of the hundreds of bees of several species harvesting the lavender, and this one stood out for the tiny depth of field focused right on the end of the floret. Perfect for Tiny Tuesday.

And yes, the bike-cam battery hadn't been charged up since before France, and even if I'd captured it, can you imagine if I'd blipped it? lol

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