River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: View from Backdoor

Something woke me up at 4am, the crows - I think … they must have upset the chickens too because the cockerel started crowing … an hour later I let them out of their coop into the small run and they all seemed very happy about that.

I had breakfast at 8 then I let the chickens out into the large run and they were happily scratching in the soil.

Watched “Garddio a Mwy” (Gardening and More) on iPlayer and they had some flowers that I used to grow - got me thinking about many of the plants which I grew every Summer and started making a list, using my Blip entries as reference :-))

It rained for most of the day so not much chance of doing any gardening outside, it was nice just to rest - it was still raining when I took today’s Blip …

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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