Steps ...

... 365 in total!

It has been a fabulously scenic journey with breathtaking views from each of my Blip friend's journals. Virtual friendships they may be, but some seem 3D real.

Taking a photograph every day is only half the Blip experience, it's learning from the inspiring journals we follow, or occasionally bump into, that completes the picture.

Thank you for your generous and insightful comments, for your encouragement, for making Harvey feel like a superstar (even the non-k9ers amongst you), for your patience when time runs out and I play catch-up with comments, and most of all, for sharing your inspirational journals. It has not been the easiest 365 days as my absence last summer bares testament, but Blip has been a great focus. Thank you.

Thank you too to my mum, and those friends who have followed my Blip, and of course to Harvey for putting up with my camera!

Bottles of champagne for Eptas, my stats reveal him to be my most frequent comment-giver, and to Aprecious who has been a presence since Day 1. These are virtual magnums, bottomless, so I do hope they share them with all of my highly valued Blip friends ;-).

Remember these trees? This was on my way back from a hilly and eventful 11km pre-breakfast walk; a wrong turning had me chased by a pack of chiens mechant.

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