Oddball day!

First I had to tax my car which I was running bout the place in with an out of dte tax disc oops! Then Hubby & my techno guru cousin spent almost all day trying to get the new router to route! Of course I had slung out the original code but not to be out done, my cousin hacked the system and found it with the aid od some old software! How clever was he! Having done all the this old laptop is still running slow! However my wireless on my mobile is superfastn Now to get the router to talk to the bloody TV. Never again will I buy a Panasonic as they require all cables and gubbins to be Panasonic and even then still won't work! Now I have to go off to Oban for the choir.
I think I need a holiday sometime soon! This photo as taken down a wee road that branches off the canal road and it was down there today I saw my first ever woodpecker & nest.
Happy blipping all

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