A touch of class

A wonderful afternoon celebrating P and A 50th wedding anniversary, last Saturdays gathering was the warm up. P catered for around 20, Boomerang and myself adding to the food table. The weather was good and as always plenty of chat, food and ‘some’ wine. B, a good friend of P was a professional harp player, a lovely woman who offered to play as we all arrived. This created a super atmosphere.

This morning a friend called in to chat with John, just before leaving he offered to bring all the new decking boards up the driveway in his van. What a hero. The lorry could only make it to the gateway at the bottom of the drive, the lorry had a hi-ab (spell?) to lift the wood into a parking area. The plan was for John and myself the walk it all up, no mean task. The drive is not that long or steep until you start carrying long lengths of wood from A to B. A photo for you J in Canada.

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