Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Taking a photo!

After a nice day yesterday I had a hectic day today! In the morning the guy who cleans my office locked the keys inside. This would have been fine had my colleague been around but he was working about 50kms away! We have burglar bars on the windows here so its not easy to break in anywhere! I had to drive the 50kms to get the other set of keys!!

Came back, opened the door and was told I had a meeting in 5 minutes which I had not known about because I was away last week! So spent the rest of the morning in a meeting! Lunch time had visitors. Rushed back to work to more meetings and so.........the plans I had for the pile of papers on my desk today were not touched!!

This evening a few young lads were in my garden. I have known them since they were small children - the one on the right I have known since a baby (his mother herself was only a child when he was born)! I supported them all through school and its great to see them growing up. Today they found a camera and were pretending to be photographers (there was no film in the camera) - they had such fun!

Hope you all had a good day!!

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