On traffic duty!

A gorgeous day today ....... lovely sunshine though the breeze is a bit cool.

After spending the morning gardening, we went for a walk in a local nature reserve ...... first time we've been there ...... it's lovely .... we shall be going again.

We saw lots of butterflies & birds ...... stood watching a pair flying in & out of the brambles to their nest. We also saw a fox ..... walking along in broad daylight as bold as brass!

As we were driving back we saw this Lapwing just standing in the road. Hubby stopped the car ..... I eased the door open slid out & got a few shots across the car bonnet ....... I liked this one the best ...... so here is today's blip .... do hope you like it :-)

I have also posted today's blip Looking quite grown up .... do hope you will have a look :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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