Oops and Sorry

As I took Myles out for his last "walk" in the back yard last night, I noticed this huge orb weaver web on one side of our patio which spanned about 5 feet between posts. The Very Busy Spider was still spinning at 9:30 p.m. We've also planted some new grass seed on the opposite side of the patio so we try to direct Myles away from the seeded area when we take him out. There are only 2 sides to the patio so it was a bit tricky but we managed to avoid both the seed and the web. On his return though he barged right through the web tearing it pretty extensively. The poor spider was scrambling and this morning she was still trying to make it work.  When I checked on her later today though, it looked like she gave up as there was  no sign of repair or her.  So this was all that was left of that beautiful web she spent hours spinning.

In Extra, is the bulldozer himself - does he look a bit pampered?

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