Gaia's Child

By maura143

Pileated Woodpeckers at the Feeder

I've been feeding a Pileated Woodpecker family of four for the past three weeks. They have become comfortable with my presence, I've managed to get within four feet of them. I was hoping to get a good shot of two of them on the feeder together. Finally, this morning one of the parents and a juvenile shared some 'quality time' at the feeder. Mom (or Dad???) actually fed the young one and I got some really nice shots of that, but since I was only able to upload one image I will try to capture the feeding again in the days to come.

They are very large and hungry birds and go through lots Bark Butter very quickly. They have me trained to fill the log feeder at least twice daily. And will 'yell' at me if I'm tardy at my task. Joy!

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