By lizzie_birkett

She shall have music…

…wherever she goes.
Both trains were quiet so I was able to find seats well away from other passengers. I wrapped the strap around the neck to deaden the strings and practiced the songs all the way to Glasgow!
Frank and I have something coming up and I need to get these songs just right.
Johnnie picked me up at Airdrie station.
The girls had been to their Musical Theatre Camp. Did I mention that their local council runs these camps throughout the holidays
9-3 daily for £50 a week per child. That’s cheaper than out of school care and they love it. At the end they will do a performance of Mary Poppins. Amelia’s part is a maid and Lucy is a boy - which she wasn’t happy about at first but OK now. The extra is Lucy showing me her part. They both have lines to say too.

Back Blipped as I fell asleep last night whilst Blipping!
;-) X

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