Garden Dragon
After the groceries were put away I changed into my play clothes and headed outdoors. I trimmed the lavender and catmint; deadheaded and watered the nasturtiums; added soil to the last potato bag and gave it a good long drink; the broccoli, too. While showering the “cat box” something dark caught my eye. It landed on a garden stake supporting dill stems not far from where I was standing. I marveled at her long double wings, reminiscent of a bi-plane. The dragon’s head swiveled from side to side while she waited for unsuspecting prey to fly near. She had many opportunities in the garden, always returning to her well-placed perch • I eventually left for the house to get the camera, finding her on a different garden stake when I returned. It wasn’t until later I identified her as a widow skimmer dragonfly • Made my day!
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