
Ann spent the first couple of hours today re-varnishing the balcony, a job which needs doing at least annually to keep it in good condition. She did a great job, Dylan and I helped by keeping out of the way.

After, we went to Torquay. We had coffee at the Offshore Bar, a favourite for sitting outside in the sun overlooking the harbour. They have been, and are still, doing a lot of renovation to the front at Torquay. It had begun in recent years to look a little sad and run down, now, presumably with the help of a healthy grant, the place is looking much more attractive. The marina compares to any European boat car park with a fair share of million pound yachts; the Ferris Wheel is back in action and the Royal Terrace Gardens Rock Walk with observation platform at the top is now complete. We climbed this walkway to the top, from where I took today's photo. Torquay does not have a pier, neighbouring Paignton does, but it does have a wooden walkway at one side of the marina and I liked the view of it with the few people and the boat trip stall from the top of the cliff face. I have 'enhanced' the picture a little for artistic reasons ;-)

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