Craig's Journal

By CraigD

Grey Heron

There were 6 Heron there today. The little female (pictured), the young male, the adult male, the middle male, a nervous female I haven't seen in a long time and a stranger. I managed to feed them all but the little female probably had more than the others. There were loads of crows but they had to settle for biscuits. I did try to give some fish to the fledglings that came close enough. The  gull was there going for everything it could (and I saw a young one in the distance so maybe the gull is not greedy but trying to feed it's youngster). On the human front, a woman walking her dog (on a lead and well behaved) stood up the hill a bit and watched. An old man, yust about fell off his bike and cycled past twice. To be honest seeing 6 heron together on the grass must be something they don't see very often. 

On a different topic, I have now moved completely away from Pentax/Ricoh to Sony. I have had 5 Pentax/Ricoh cameras (6 if you count a compact) A K-r which was a great starter camera. Then things all went downhill. I have a K30, 2 K50's (one was replaced by Pentax) and a K70. All of which suffered the same fate of an aperture block failure due to ricoh using a cheap solenoid despite knowing it ito be a problem. They can be repaired at cost, but as it generally involves replacing the faulty solenoid with a new cheap solenoid ,it is really only a matter of time before it goes again. I now have (all second hand stock, but with low shutter counts) an Alpha A200 (it was relatively basic/cheap and let me test the waters) a NEX c-3 and an Alpha SLT-77v. So in effect a traditional DSLR a mirrorless and a  Single-lens translucent. Hopefully I will get more service from them.

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