
By NancyDrew

That wasn't supposed to happen!!

I went to see GYM today and an 'incident' that I was completely responsible for occurred xx

Before I tell you about the incident, this is GYM's roof which I noticed for the first time today whilst laying on my back doing crunches xx

So there is a very handsome man (HM) in there running on one of the treadmills (TM). I choose TM number 3, leaving a TM free in between me and HM, in line with GYM etiquette. Unfortunately my TM is broken and there are no lights. This forces me onto TM number 2 next to HM.

HM meanwhile is proper going for it I mean he is sprinting his little heart out and is looking mighty fine ;) He is interval training, so a mixture of sprints followed by jogs x

I sort out headphones and drink and then turn my attention to the TM, there are lights on but no one is at home, so I randomly start pushing all the buttons to no avail. HM, mid sprint, turns to me and says, '2 minutes and I'll be done you can have my machine' x 'Thanks' I say and proceed to oogle him out the corner of my eye whilst fiddling with my machine to see if I can get it too work whilst waiting for him to finish x

I turn to my left, so my oogling is not to obvious, HM is on my right, and I see behind me the plug socket for my machine with one plug coming out of it and the lead going under my TM x

Sooooooooooooooooo, I think to myself, well I may as well turn my TM off.... no point in it being on if it doesn't work and I flick the switch to off x

From my right I hear a funny little noise from HM and as I turn all at once I see the following;-
- an extension lead on the floor with SEVERAL plugs in it, including HM's TM
- his TM lights are now all OFF
- his TM belt has stopped
- and he is bent over double clutching his sides from where he winded himself after running full pelt into the control panel of his TM........

I said 'I am so so sorry!!', to which he replies 'That's okay....' least I think that's what he said he didn't seem able to catch his breath and in seemed in a bit of pain........strange xx ;)

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