As a chat-up line "Can I show you a Grey Dagger Moth caterpillar on a tree next to my car?" would be a bit dodgy, but the chap who asked me as I walked into one of the hides at RSPB Saltholme recognised me as someone who's always poking and crouching in the undergrowth looking for bugs, he said. As it happened we couldn't find the big caterpillar he'd found earlier but I found these eggs and recently-hatched beasties on the same tree, although I don't know whether they're actually from the same moth. Extra is a Small Tortoiseshell, simply because I've seen so few of them so far this year and was pleased to find it.
I'd gone there for some nature therapy after spending most of the morning filling in an online questionnaire to do with the house we're buying. It was really inflexible with questions that assumed a very limited range of answers that weren't always appropriate, such as demanding an employer's address before allowing one to move to the next page even though I'm retired and don't have an employer. I'd already filled half of it in yesterday and supposedly saved it to come back to, but when I tried it told me I wasn't authorised to open it and to start again. Grrrr.

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