tempus fugit

By ceridwen

The eyes have it

Hard to decide between two shots I took today. The  peacock butterflies won because their fake eyes were so... well, eye-catching as they fluttered around Adam Buddle's well-known bush. (Rather sadly the Reverend  Mr Buddle never knew that the greater botanist Karl Linnaeus named the species after after him - posthumously.)

But actually I found the subject of the extra more intriguing. These patterns on one of our shed doors indicated that snails or slugs have been at work rasping away at a sheen of algae on the paintwork. Like other molluscs they possess a radula, a barbed tongue, to scour and scape away their nourishment from surfaces - or the soft and juicy leaves of delicate plants. Their mouths, seen from below, look similar to the those of the shark family and just as unrelenting in their appetites.


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