These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Cocoon baby...

Had a photo shoot tonight with the twins. Kelly and Chris received a gift of little cocoons to plop the babies in, with picture taking directions right from Anne Geddes herself! We didn't quite follow the rules, as we were trying to sneak in some pics before feeding, but alas, we got some cute ones. This little boy, Carter belongs to Amateur Hour who also captured a moment from the cocoon photo shoot today!

We had a busy day, were a bit ambitious, but we survived. Headed into the Children's Museum with five kids, it was totally packed, left early, had a yummy lunch out, headed to the photo store to get announcements printed, lost CostCo card in the store, scheduled a photo shoot while in the bathroom stall at the store, made it home for late naps, and the rest is history!

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