Competition Day

Today was competition day. We started early as it was a 2 hours drive and we had to be there at 8.30 am. 

It did feel a bit much to do 4 hours in the car again today - following the 11 hours yesterday!

We arrived in time and was met by lots of friends that we know from the international competitions. They helped us check in and soon it was time for Tango to compete in Beginners Heelwork To Music. He was exhausted from the long journey though, so I turned it into a training round. 

Next in the ring was Helle and Mocca, who performed a beautiful routine in the Advanced Heelwork To Music class. And Gollum, who worked well in the same class. 

We had lunch with some of our friends.

Xmas worked in the Intermediate Freestyle in the afternoon. 

The weather has been "funny". It was an outdoor show and Tango performed in really nice weather, Gollum performed in rain and for Xmas it was almost too hot.

Gollum got a 3rd in his class and Xmas won his class. Clever boys. My picture is from Xmas' routine. Gollum and Tangos routines are in the extra. 

We had dinner with some friends before we drove the 2 hours back to the hotel. 

Dog walk, feed dogs, BED!!!

Night night Blipland
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys 

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