With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Top shelf

A day of whizzing about and then a trip to Palma. I called in to IKEA first and had a quick coffee and a hot dog as I hadn’t eaten. Yes it’s still hot, damn hot so an appetite only appears in the cooler evening. Then to Carrefour and I felt a bit wobbly just as I was perusing the games section. I love computer games, but Lara Croft and Uncharted are the only games I have found that I like other than puzzles. The boys’ taste is a bit more immediate battle strategy shoot em up I think. I’m sure there is a market there for us early puzzlers. I can reminisce about early games that seemed so exciting (Monkey Island was one, Myst, Doom, Worms, even DEFCON from forever ago..,) Sometimes an evening gaming would be fun. I’ll have to stick to backgammon and catching up on real sport as there’s lots going on. I must polish up my golf/cricket/F1/footy! But watching isn’t the same as playing..

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