Im too sexy for my socks

Noisy leg squeezers. I liked how they felt but the noise contributed to not being able to sleep. I counted the squeeze, 10 seconds left leg, 16 sec gap, 10 seconds right leg, 16 sec gap. Every time it released the grip it blurted out a deep sound, after counting I Immersed myself in guided meditation and deep breathing. The night was long.

The male gay nurse offered to cut my paper knickers off last night, thats a first! He was such a giggle. The secrets of hospital life.

Felt very sickly, the canula stopped working due to damaged chemo veins so couldnt get intravenous anti sickness meds in. Resorted to 2 doses of an oral substitute.

Managed a shower this morning, walking by myself. Physio took me up and down some stairs. The pain from the surgery is nothing compared to the nerve pain which seems to be receding hallelujah. There are 9 staples in the wound which will be removed in about a week. I will need physio in a few weeks and begin to reduce the Gabapentin with GPs guidance.

The ward sister was seriously impressed with my progress today and I am very hopeful for the future. One step at a time.

Going home tomorrow morning with a gold star.

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